Function Reference    

Create a frequency response data (FRD) object or convert another model type to an FRD model



sys = frd(response,frequency) creates an FRD model sys from the frequency response data stored in the multidimensional array response. The vector frequency represents the underlying frequencies for the frequency response data. See Table 0-1, Data Format for the Argument response in FRD Models.

sys = frd(response,frequency,Ts) creates a discrete-time FRD model sys with scalar sample time Ts. Set Ts = -1 to create a discrete-time FRD model without specifying the sample time.

sys = frd creates an empty FRD model.

The input argument list for any of these syntaxes can be followed by property name/property value pairs of the form

You can use these extra arguments to set the various properties of FRD models (see the set command, or LTI Properties and Model-Specific Properties). These properties include 'Units'. The default units for FRD models are in 'rad/s'.

To force an FRD model sys to inherit all of its generic LTI properties from any existing LTI model refsys, use the syntax

sysfrd = frd(sys,frequency) converts a TF, SS, or ZPK model to an FRD model. The frequency response is computed at the frequencies provided by the vector frequency.

sysfrd = frd(sys,frequency,'Units',units)converts an FRD model from a TF, SS, or ZPK model while specifying the units for frequency to be units ('rad/s' or 'Hz').


When you specify a SISO or MIMO FRD model, or an array of FRD models, the input argument frequency is always a vector of length Nf, where Nf is the number of frequency data points in the FRD. The specification of the input argument response is summarized in the following table.

Table 0-1: Data Format for the Argument response in FRD Models
Model Form

Response Data Format
SISO model

Vector of length Nf for which response(i) is the frequency response at the frequency frequency(i)
MIMO model with Ny outputs and Nu inputs

Ny-by-Nu-by-Nf multidimensional array for which response(i,j,k) specifies the frequency response from input j to output i at frequency frequency(k)
S1-by-...-by-Sn array of models with Ny outputs and Nu inputs

Multidimensional array of size [Ny Nu S1 ... Sn] for which response(i,j,k,:) specifies the array of frequency response data from input j to output i at frequency frequency(k)


See Frequency Response Data (FRD) Models for more information on single FRD models, and Creating LTI Models for information on building arrays of FRD models.


Type the commands

to create a SISO FRD model.

See Also
chgunits    Change units for an FRD model

frdata      Quick access to data for an FRD model

set         Set the properties for an LTI model

ss          Create state-space models

tf          Create transfer functions

zpk         Create zero-pole-gain models

  filt frdata