Function Reference    

Quick access to data for a frequency response data object



[response,freq] = frdata(sys) returns the response data and frequency samples of the FRD model sys. For an FRD model with Ny outputs and Nu inputs at Nf frequencies:

See Table 11-14, "Data Format for the Argument response in FRD Models," on page 80 for more information on the data format for FRD response data.

For SISO FRD models, the syntax

forces frdata to return the response data and frequencies directly as column vectors rather than as cell arrays (see example below).

[response,freq,Ts] = frdata(sys) also returns the sample time Ts.

Other properties of sys can be accessed with get or by direct structure-like referencing (e.g., sys.Units).


The input argument sys to frdata must be an FRD model.


Typing the commands

returns the FRD model data

See Also
frd         Create or convert to FRD models

get         Get the properties for an LTI model

set         Set model properties

  frd freqresp