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Computing and Research


Good Talks

  • TED: Ideas Worth Spreading - Large collection of videos on great ideas spanning many fields. I'd say it is the best way to waste time online, but I've learned too much to call it wasting time. Here are a few of my favorites:
    • Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy? - On (1) how we tend to over-rate the difference a choice/goal/etc. will make in our lives, and (2) how we actually synthesize our own happiness. So, chill out, and be happy :)
    • Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity - Interesting take on creativity and education today, and how we are educating our children out of creativity. I somewhat agree, and believe that schools/university must focus more on encouraging creativity. In mathematics and engineering education, why is creativity really only mandatory for a PhD degree?
    • John Wooden on true success - The late, great John Wooden being John Wooden on pursuing the best in ourselves. It must have been a great life and learning experience to play for him at UCLA.
  • Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Inspirational lecture by the late Randy Pausch on achieving your childhood dreams, and helping others achieve their childhood dreams. Watch it!
  • Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address - On trusting you will connect the dots, love and loss in your career, and facing death. Stay hungry, stay foolish!
  • Alan Kay: The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet - OOPSLA 1997 Keynote with Alan Kay ruminating on OO programming and some on computing in general. Much of it still rings true, even more than a decade later!
  • Primetime with Coach K - Duke's Coach K on building teamwork and leadership with the Olympic 2008 basketball Dream Team, the team that took back the gold for the USA! Another coach that must be great to play for.