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Nonlinear Minimization with Equality Constraints

The large-scale method for fmincon can handle equality constraints if no other constraints exist. Suppose you want to minimize the same objective as in Eq. 2-7, which is coded in the function brownfgh.m, where n = 1000, such that for Aeq that has 100 equations (so Aeq is a 100-by-1000 matrix).

Step 1: Write an M-file brownfgh.m that computes the objective function, the gradient of the objective, and the sparse tridiagonal Hessian matrix.

As before, this file is rather long and is not included here. You can view the code with the command

Because brownfgh computes the gradient and Hessian values as well as the objective function, you need to use optimset to indicate that this information is available in brownfgh, using the GradObj and Hessian parameters.

The sparse matrix Aeq and vector beq are available in the file browneq.mat:

The linear constraint system is 100-by-1000, has unstructured sparsity (use spy(Aeq) to view the sparsity structure), and is not too badly ill-conditioned:

Step 2: Call a nonlinear minimization routine with a starting point xstart.

Setting the parameter PrecondBandWidth to inf causes a sparse direct solver to be used instead of preconditioned conjugate gradients.

The exitflag indicates convergence with the final function value fval after 16 iterations:

The linear equalities are satisfied at x.

  Nonlinear Minimization with Bound Constraints and Banded Preconditioner Nonlinear Minimization with a Dense but Structured Hessian and Equality Constraints