Function Reference    

Initialize the SISO Design Tool



When invoked without input arguments, sisotool opens a SISO Design GUI for interactive compensator design. This GUI allows you to design a single-input/single-output (SISO) compensator using root locus and Bode diagram techniques.

By default, the SISO Design Tool:

This picture shows the SISO Design Tool.

sisotool(plant) opens the SISO Design Tool, imports plant, and initializes the plant model G to plant. The workspace variable plant can be any SISO LTI model created with either ss, tf, or zpk.

sisotool(plant,comp) initializes the plant model G to plant, the compensator C to comp.

sisotool(plant,comp,sensor,prefilt) initializes the plant G to plant, compensator C to comp, sensor H to sensor, and the prefilter F to prefilt. All arguments must be SISO LTI objects.

sisotool(views) or sisotool(views,plant,comp) specifies the initial configuration of the SISO Design Tool. The argument views can be any of the following strings (or combination thereof):

For example

opens a SISO Design Tool with only the Bode Diagrams on.

sisotool(plant,comp,options) allows you to override the default compensator location and feedback sign by using an extra input argument options with the following fields:

You can design compensators for one of the following two feedback loop configurations.

The SISO Design Tool Supports Two Feedback Structures.

For more details on the SISO Design Tool, see Designing Compensators in the Getting Started documentation for the Control System Toolbox.

See Also
bode        Bode response

ltiview     Open an LTI Viewer

rlocus      Root locus

nichols     Nichols response

  sigma size