First International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Processing

(IMAP 2007)

Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


August 15-16, 2007

Technical Sponsored by:

IEEE Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee


[Call for papers]    [Organizing/Program Committee]   [Technical Program]   [Invited Speakers]   [Special Sessions]   [ICCCN 2007]   [ISMW 2007]   [Home]



Call for Special Session Proposals (IMAP 2007)

At IMAP07, which takes place in Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, August 15-16, 2007, prospective organizers are invited to submit proposals for IMAP 2007 special sessions which are considered to supplement the regular program. The special sessions are expected to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in a given area and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to IMAP 2007.


Special sessions should be comprised of at least five invited papers. The special session organizer¡¯s role is to invite the 5-8 high-quality papers and ensure that the papers are submitted on time. One of the special session organizers is required to chair the on-site session. Proposals for special sessions must include the following information:

¡ì       Title of the proposed session

¡ì       Names/affiliation of organizers (including brief bio and contact info)

¡ì       Session abstract (state the significance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session)

¡ì       List of invited presenters, their tentative paper title and abstracts.


Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to IMAP 2007, as well as the qualifications of the organizers and quality of papers in the proposed session. Please note that all papers in the proposed session will be reviewed to ensure that the contributions are of the highest quality. Once the proposal has been approved, the organizer(s) will organize the review process. In the event that a special session is not accepted in its entirety, papers from the proposed session will be considered as part of the regular technical program.


Important Dates for Special Session Submission:


03/9/2007:      Special session proposals due.

03/16/2007:    Notification of acceptance.

04/1/2007:      Special session paper submission due.

04/30/2007:    Notification of acceptance of papers.

05/31/2007:    Final camera-ready manuscripts due.


Submission Procedure for Special Sessions


Those who are interested in organizing a special session should submit a proposal adhering to the above requirements by email to Dr. Enrico Magli ( and Dr. Qibin Sun (