Statistics Toolbox    

Maximum likelihood estimation



phat = mle('dist',data) returns the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) for the distribution specified in 'dist' using the sample in the vector, data. See Overview of the Distributions for the list of available distributions.

[phat,pci] = mle('dist',data) returns the MLEs and 95% percent confidence intervals.

[phat,pci] = mle('dist',data,alpha) returns the MLEs and 100(1-alpha)% confidence intervals given the data and the specified alpha.

[phat,pci] = mle('dist',data,alpha,p1) is used for the binomial distribution only, where p1 is the number of trials.


See Also
betafit, binofit, expfit, gamfit, nbinfit, normfit, normlike, poissfit, weibfit

  median moment