Statistics Toolbox    

Parameter estimates and confidence intervals for exponential data



muhat = expfit(x) returns the estimate of the parameter, µ, of the exponential distribution given data x.

[muhat,muci] = expfit(x) also returns the 95% confidence interval in muci.

[muhat,muci] = expfit(x,alpha) gives 100(1-alpha)% confidence intervals. For example, alpha = 0.01 yields 99% confidence intervals.


We generate 100 independent samples of exponential data with µ = 3. muhat is an estimate of true_mu and muci is a 99% confidence interval around muhat. Notice that muci contains true_mu.

See Also

expcdf, expinv, exppdf, exprnd, expstat, betafit, binofit, gamfit, normfit, poissfit, unifit, weibfit

  expcdf expinv