Statistics Toolbox    

Parameter estimates for uniformly distributed data



[ahat,bhat] = unifit(X) returns the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters of the uniform distribution given the data in X.

[ahat,bhat,ACI,BCI] = unifit(X) also returns 95% confidence intervals, ACI and BCI, which are matrices with two rows. The first row contains the lower bound of the interval for each column of the matrix X. The second row contains the upper bound of the interval.

[ahat,bhat,ACI,BCI] = unifit(X,alpha) allows control of the confidence level alpha. For example, if alpha = 0.01 then ACI and BCI are 99% confidence intervals.


See Also

betafit, binofit, expfit, gamfit, normfit, poissfit, unifcdf, unifinv, unifpdf, unifrnd, unifstat, weibfit

  unifinv unifpdf