MATLAB Function Reference    

Construct timer object



T = timer constructs a timer object with default attributes.

T = timer('PropertyName1', PropertyValue1, 'PropertyName2', PropertyValue2,...) constructs a timer object in which the given Property name/value pairs are set on the object. See Timer Object Properties for a list of all the properties supported by the timer object.

Note that the property name/property value pairs can be in any format supported by the set function, i.e., property/value string pairs, structures, and property/value cell array pairs.


This example constructs a timer object with a timer callback function handle, mycallback, and a 10 second interval.

See Also

delete, disp, get, isvalid, set, start, startat, stop, timerfind, wait

Timer Object Properties

The timer object supports the following properties that control its attributes. The table includes information about the data type of each property and its default value.

To view the value of the properties of a particular timer object, use the get function. To set the value of the properties of a timer object, use the set function.

Property Name
Property Description
Datatypes, Values, and Defaults
The average time between TimerFcn executions since the timer started.
Note: Value is NaN until timer executes two timer callbacks.
Datatype: double
Default:     NaN
Readonly:  Always

Action taken when a timer has to execute TimerFcn before the completion of previous execution of TimerFcn.
  • 'drop'--Do not execute the function.
  • 'error'--Generate an error.
  • 'queue'--Execute function at next opportunity.
Datatype: Enumerated string
Values:  'drop'

Default:  'drop'
Readonly: Only when Running='on'

Function that the timer executes when an error occurs. This function executes before the StopFcn. See Creating Timer Callback Functions for more information.
Datatype:   Text string, function
                     handle, or cell array.
Readonly:   Never
Determines how the timer object schedules timer events. See Timer Execution Modes for more information.
Datatype: Enumerated string
Values:   'singleShot'
Default:  'singleShot'

Readonly: When Running='on'
The time between the last two executions of TimerFcn.
Datatype: double
Default:    NaN
Readonly: Always
User-supplied name
Datatype: Text string
Default: 'timer-i', where i is a number indicating the ith timer object created this session.
Note: If you issue the clear classes command, the timer object resets i to 1.
Readonly: Never
Specifies the delay, in seconds, between executions of TimerFcn.
Datatype: double
Value:       Any number <0.001
Default:     1.0
Readonly: When Running='on'
Indicates whether the timer is currently executing.
Datatype: Enumerated string:
Values:   'off'
Default:   'off'
Readonly: Always
Specifies the delay, in seconds, between the start of the timer and the first execution of the function specified in TimerFcn.
Datatype: double
Value:       Any number <=0
Default:    0
Readonly: When Running='on'
Function the timer calls when it starts. See Creating Timer Callback Functions for more information.
Datatype: Text string, function
                  handle, or cell array
Readonly: Never
Function the timer calls when it stops. The timer stops when:
  • You call the timer stop function
  • When the timer finishes executing TimerFcn, i.e., the value of TasksExecuted reaches the limit set by the TasksToExecute.
  • An error occurs (The ErrorFcn is called first, followed by the StopFcn.)
See Creating Timer Callback Functions for more information.
Datatype: Text string, function
                  handle, or cell array.
Readonly:  Never
User supplied label
Datatype: Text string
Default: ''(empty string)
Specifies the number of times the timer should execute the function specified in the TimerFcn property.
Datatype: double
Value:       Any number <0
Default:   1
Readonly: Never
The number of times the timer has executed TimerFcn since the timer was started
Datatype: double
Value:       Any number <=0
Default:    0
Readonly: Always
Timer callback function. See Creating Timer Callback Functions for more information.
Datatype: Text string, function
                  handle, or cell array.
Readonly:  Never
Identifies the object type
Datatype: Text string
Value:      'timer'
Readonly: Always
User-supplied data
Datatype: User-defined
Default:    []
Readonly: Never

  tic, toc timerfind