MATLAB Function Reference    

Find timer objects



out = timerfind returns an array, out, of all the timer objects that exist in memory.

out = timerfind('P1', V1, 'P2', V2,...) returns an array, out, of timer objects whose property values match those passed as param-value pairs, P1, V1, P2, V2. Param-value pairs may be specified as a cell array.

out = timerfind(S) returns an array, out, of timer objects whose property values match those defined in the structure, S. The field names of S are timer object property names and the field values are the corresponding property values.

out = timerfind(obj, 'P1', V1, 'P2', V2,...) restricts the search for matching parameter/value pairs to the timer objects listed in obj. obj can be an array of timer objects.

Note that, for most properties, timerfind performs case-sensitive searches of property values. For example, if the value of an object's Name property is 'MyObject', timerfind will not find a match if you specify 'myobject'. Use the get function to determine the exact format of a property value. However, properties which have an enumerated list of possible values, are not case-sensitive. For example, timerfind will find an object with an ExecutionMode property value of 'singleShot' or 'singleshot'.


This example uses timerfind to find timer objects with the specified property values.

See Also

timer, get

  timer title