Wavelet Toolbox    

Wavelet packet decomposition 2-D



wpdec2 is a two-dimensional wavelet packet analysis function.

T = wpdec2(X,N,'wname',E,P) returns a wavelet packet tree T corresponding to the wavelet packet decomposition of the matrix X, at level N, with a particular wavelet ('wname', see wfilters for more information).

T = wpdec2(X,N,'wname') is equivalent to

T = wpdec2(X,N,'wname','shannon').

E is a string containing the type of entropy and P is an optional parameter depending on the value of T (see wentropy for more information).

Entropy Type Name (E)
Parameter (P)

P is not used
'log energy'

P is not used
0 P
P is the threshold
0 P
P is the threshold
1 P
P is the power
P is a string containing the M-file name of your own entropy function, with a single input X
No constraints on P
STR is any other string except those used for the previous Entropy Type Names listed above.
STR contains the M-file name of your own entropy function, with X as input and P as additional parameter to your entropy function.

See wpdec for a more complete description of the wavelet packet decomposition.



The algorithm used for the wavelet packets decomposition follows the same line as the wavelet decomposition process (see dwt2 and wavedec2 for more information).

See Also
wavedec2, waveinfo, wenergy, wpdec, wprec2


Coifman, R.R.; M.V. Wickerhauser (1992), "Entropy-based algorithms for best basis selection," IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 38, 2, pp. 713-718.

Meyer, Y. (1993), Les ondelettes. Algorithmes et applications, Colin Ed., Paris, 2nd edition. (English translation: Wavelets: Algorithms and Applications, SIAM).

Wickerhauser, M.V. (1991), "INRIA lectures on wavelet packet algorithms," Proceedings ondelettes et paquets d'ondes 17-21 June Rocquencourt France, pp. 31-99.

Wickerhauser, M.V. (1994), Adapted wavelet analysis from theory to software Algorithms, A.K. Peters.

  wpdec wpdencmp