Simulink Reference    
Data Type Conversion

Convert input signal to specified data type


Signal Attributes


The Data Type Conversion block converts an input signal to the data type specified by the block's Data type parameter. The input can be any real- or complex-valued signal. If the input is real, the output is real. If the input is complex, the output is complex.

Data Type Support

See the preceding block description.

Parameters and Dialog Box

Data type
Specifies the type to which to convert the input signal. The auto option converts the input signal to the type required by the input port to which the Data Type Conversion block's output port is connected.
Saturate on integer overflow
This parameter is enabled only for integer output. If selected, this option causes the output of the Data Type Conversion block to saturate on integer overflow. In particular, if the output data type is an integer type, the block output is the maximum value that can be represented by the output type or the converted output, whichever is smaller in the absolute sense. If the option is not selected, Simulink takes the action specified by the Data overflow event option on the Diagnostics page of the Simulation Parameters dialog box (see The Diagnostics Pane in Using Simulink.).


Direct Feedthrough
Sample Time
Inherited from driving block
Scalar Expansion
Zero Crossing

  Data Store Write Dead Zone