Signal Processing Toolbox    

Plot power spectral density (PSD) data



psdplot(Pxx,w) plots the power spectral density data contained in the vector Pxx at the frequencies specified in the vector w. The vectors Pxx and w must have the same length. The magnitude of the data vector Pxx is plotted in dB per radians per sample versus frequency w on one plot. The units for frequency on the plots are rad/sample.

psdplot(Pxx,w,'units') displays the frequency units according to the string 'units'. This string can be either:

psdplot(Pxx,w,'units','yscale') displays the spectral density magnitude units according to the string 'yscale'. This string can be either:

psdplot(Pxx,w,'units','yscale','title') uses the contents of the string 'title' as the title of the plot.


See Also

pburg, pcov, peig, periodogram, pmcov, pmusic, pwelch, pyulear

  prony pulstran