Signal Processing Toolbox    

Estimate the cross spectral density (CSD) of two signals



Pxy = csd(x,y) estimates the cross spectral density of the length n sequences x and y using the Welch method of spectral estimation. Pxy = csd(x,y) uses the following default values:

nfft specifies the FFT length that csd uses. This value determines the frequencies at which the cross spectrum is estimated. fs is a scalar that specifies the sampling frequency. window specifies a windowing function and the number of samples csd uses in its sectioning of the x and y vectors. numoverlap is the number of samples by which the sections overlap. Any arguments omitted from the end of the parameter list use the default values shown above.

If x and y are real, csd estimates the cross spectral density at positive frequencies only; in this case, the output Pxy is a column vector of length nfft/2 + 1 for nfft even and (nfft + 1)/2 for nfft odd. If x or y is complex, csd estimates the cross spectral density at both positive and negative frequencies and Pxy has length nfft.

Pxy = csd(x,y,nfft) uses the FFT length nfft in estimating the cross spectral density of x and y. Specify nfft as a power of 2 for fastest execution.

[Pxy,f] = csd(x,y,nfft,fs) returns a vector f of frequencies at which the function evaluates the CSD. f is the same size as Pxy, so plot(f,Pxy) plots the spectrum versus properly scaled frequency. fs has no effect on the output Pxy; it is a frequency scaling multiplier.

Pxy = csd(x,y,nfft,fs,window) specifies a windowing function and the number of samples per section of the x vector. If you supply a scalar for window, csd uses a Hann window of that length. The length of the window must be less than or equal to nfft; csd zero pads the sections if the length of the window is less than nfft. csd returns an error if the length of the window is greater than nfft.

Pxy = csd(x,y,nfft,fs,window,numoverlap) overlaps the sections of x and y by numoverlap samples.

You can use the empty matrix [] to specify the default value for any input argument except x or y. For example,

is equivalent to

but with a sampling frequency of 10,000 Hz instead of the default of 2 Hz.

Pxy = csd(x,y,...,'dflag') specifies a detrend option, where the string 'dflag' is one of the following:

The dflag parameter must appear last in the list of input arguments. csd recognizes a dflag string no matter how many intermediate arguments are omitted.

[Pxy,Pxyc,f] = csd(x,y,nfft,fs,window,numoverlap,p) where p is a positive scalar between 0 and 1 returns a vector Pxyc that contains an estimate of the p*100 percent confidence interval for Pxy. Pxyc is a two-column matrix the same length as Pxy. The interval [Pxyc(:,1),Pxyc(:,2)] covers the true CSD with probability p. plot(f,[Pxy Pxyc]) plots the cross spectrum inside the p*100 percent confidence interval. If unspecified, p defaults to 0.95.

csd(x,y,...) plots the CSD versus frequency in the current figure window. If the p parameter is specified, the plot includes the confidence interval.


Generate two colored noise signals and plot their CSD with a confidence interval of 95%. Specify a length 1024 FFT, a 500 point triangular window with no overlap, and a sampling frequency of 10 Hz:


csd implements the Welch method of spectral density estimation (see references [1] and [2]):

  1. It applies the window specified by the window vector to each successive detrended section.
  2. It transforms each section with an nfft-point FFT.
  3. It forms the periodogram of each section by scaling the product of the transform of the y section and the conjugate of the transformed x section.
  4. It averages the periodograms of the successive overlapping sections to form Pxy, the cross spectral density of x and y.

The number of sections that csd averages is k, where k is


An appropriate diagnostic message is displayed when incorrect arguments to csd are used:

See Also

cohere, pburg, pmtm, pmusic, pwelch, pyulear, tfe


[1] Rabiner, L.R., and B. Gold. Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975. Pgs. 414-419.

[2] Welch, P.D. "The Use of Fast Fourier Transform for the Estimation of Power Spectra: A Method Based on Time Averaging Over Short, Modified Periodograms." IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust. Vol. AU-15 (June 1967). Pgs. 70-73.

[3] Oppenheim, A.V., and R.W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999, pp. 737.

  cremez czt