Function Reference    

Plot pole-zero maps for I/O pairs of LTI models



iopzmap(sys) computes and plots the poles and zeros of each input/output pair of the LTI model sys. The poles are plotted as x's and the zeros are plotted as o's.

iopzmap(sys1,sys2,...) shows the poles and zeros of multiple LTI models sys1,sys2,... on a single plot. You can specify distinctive colors for each model, as in iopzmap(sys1,'r',sys2,'y',sys3,'g').

The functions sgrid or zgrid can be used to plot lines of constant damping ratio and natural frequency in the s or z plane.

For arrays sys of LTI models, iopzmap plots the poles and zeros o each model in the array on the same diagram.


Create a one-input, two-output system and plot pole-zero maps for I/O pairs.

See Also
pzmap       Pole-zero map

pole         Compute system poles

zero        Compute system zeros

sgrid       Grid for s-plane plots

zgrid       Grid for z-plane plots

ltimodels   Information about LTI models

  inv isct, isdt