MATLAB Function Reference    

Determine where to draw graphics objects



newplot prepares a figure and axes for subsequent graphics commands.

h = newplot prepares a figure and axes for subsequent graphics commands and returns a handle to the current axes.


Use newplot at the beginning of high-level graphics M-files to determine which figure and axes to target for graphics output. Calling newplot can change the current figure and current axes. Basically, there are three options when drawing graphics in existing figures and axes:

The figure and axes NextPlot properties determine how nextplot behaves. The following two tables describe this behavior with various property values.

First, newplot reads the current figure's NextPlot property and acts accordingly.

What Happens
Draw to the current figure without clearing any graphics objects already present.
Remove all child objects whose HandleVisibility property is set to on and reset figure NextPlot property to add.
This clears the current figure and is equivalent to issuing the clf command.
Remove all child objects (regardless of the setting of the HandleVisibility property) and reset figure properties to their defaults, except:

NextPlot is reset to add regardless of user-defined defaults)

This clears and resets the current figure and is equivalent to issuing the clf reset command.

After newplot establishes which figure to draw in, it reads the current axes' NextPlot property and acts accordingly.

Draw into the current axes, retaining all graphics objects already present.
Remove all child objects whose HandleVisibility property is set to on, but do not reset axes properties. This clears the current axes like the cla command.
Removes all child objects (regardless of the setting of the HandleVisibility property) and resets axes properties to their defaults, except Position and Units
This clears and resets the current axes like the cla reset command.

See Also

axes, cla, clf, figure, hold, ishold, reset

The NextPlot property for figure and axes graphics objects.

Figure Windows for related functions

  ndims nextpow2