MATLAB Installation Guide for Unix    

Starting the License Manager

The license manager must be running to start MATLAB. If the license manager daemons are not running, you can start them using either of these methods:

The lmstart script stops any currently running daemons and starts new ones.

Starting the License Manager Automatically

If you want to start the license manager daemons automatically at boot time, you must edit the UNIX boot script on your system, adding the Bourne shell commands required to start the license manager on your system.

MATLAB provides the commands required for each UNIX system in a set of files included in the $MATLAB/etc directory. Each file has the name rc.lm.system, where system identifies the system type.

For example, the file rc.lm.sol2 contains the boot script commands required to start the license manager on Solaris systems:

Table 1-4, Editing UNIX Boot Scripts describes how to insert these Bourne shell code fragments for all supported platforms.

Table 1-4: Editing UNIX Boot Scripts  
Compaq Alpha
(Tru64 UNIX)
Make a copy of the boot script file:
   cd $MATLAB/etc
   cp rc.lm.alpha /sbin/init.d/flexlm
   chmod 555 /sbin/init.d/flexlm
Edit /sbin/init.d/flexlm, replacing username in the code with an actual user name, other than root.
Create a link to the boot script:
   cd /sbin/rc3.d
   ln -s /sbin/init.d/flexlm S56flexlm
HP 9000 (HP-UX)
Make a copy of the boot script file:
   cd $MATLAB/etc
   cp rc.lm.hp /sbin/init.d/flexlm
   chmod 555 /sbin/init.d/flexlm
Edit /sbin/init.d/flexlm, replacing username in the code with an actual user name, other than root.
Create the file /etc/rc.config.d/flexlm containing the line FLEXlm_MATLAB=1 and then create the links:
   cd /sbin/rc3.d
   ln -s /sbin/init.d/flexlm S900flexlm
   cd /sbin/rc2.d
   ln -s /sbin/init.d/flexlm K100flexlm
IBM RS/6000 (AIX)
Copy the code from $MATLAB/etc/rc.lm.ibm_rs and paste it at the end of /etc/rc.nfs.
Replace username in the code fragment with an actual username, other than root.
Create the following links, if they do not already exist:
  ln -s $MATLAB/etc/lmboot /etc/lmboot_TMW12
  ln -s $MATLAB/etc/lmdown /etc/lmdown_TMW12

Create a copy of the boot script file.
On Debian systems:
  cp $MATLAB/etc/rc.lm.glnx86 /etc/init.d/flexlm
On Red Hat systems:
  cp $MATLAB/etc/rc.lm.glnx86 /etc/rc.d/init.d/flexlm
Replace the username in the code fragment with an actual username, other than root.
Look in /etc/inittab for the default run level. Create a link in the rc directory associated with that run level. For example if the run level is 5, then execute these commands.
On Debian systems:
  cd /etc/rc5.d;
  ln -s ../init.d/flexlm S90Flexlm

On Red Hat systems:
  cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d;
  ln -s ../init.d/flexlm S90Flexlm

Make a copy of the boot script file:
   cd $MATLAB/etc
   cp rc.lm.sgi /etc/init.d/lm
   chmod 555 /etc/init.d/lm
Edit /etc/init.d/lm, replacing username in the code with an actual user name, other than root.
Create a link to the boot script:
   cd /etc/rc2.d
   ln -s /etc/init.d/lm S45lm
Sun (Solaris 2.x)
Copy the code from $MATLAB/etc/rc.lm.sol2 and paste it at the beginning of /etc/init.d/lmgrd. Create this file if it doesn't already exist.
Edit /etc/init.d/lmgrd, replacing username in the code fragment with an actual username, other than root.
If file (link) /etc/rc3.d/S17lmgrd does not exist, create it, using this code:
   cd /etc/rc3.d
   ln -s ../init.d/lmgrd S17lmgrd

  Setting Up Network Named User Licensing Starting MATLAB