home page of

Prabhakar Pradhan, Ph.D.
Reseach Assistant Professor
Northwestern University

McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Tech Inst. E310, 2145 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL 60208
E-mail: pradhan (AT) northwestern (DOT) edu

Photo of Dr. Prabhakar Pradhan

Full Publication List

Research Highlights : Bio/Nanophotonics
Single Cell Imaging of Nano-Disorder

Mesoscopic Light Transport
Properties of Single Biological Cells
: Partial Wave Spectroscopy (PWS)
and Ultra-Early Cancer Detection

Invited Talks,
Conference Presentations

Research Highlights: Bio/NanoPhotonics
Optical Scattring Properties of Tissues
Low coherence enhanced backscattering (LEBS)
study of naodisorder in tissues:
Early stage cancer detection.

Research Interests

Research Highlights: Bio/Nano-Photonics
TEM studies of the nano-fluctuations
in a cell in progressive carcinogeneis
: ultra-early cancer detection


Research Highlights: Micro/Nano Lasers
Mirrorless Coherent Random Lasers


Research Highlights: Microwave Experiments
Microwave Experiments:
Chaotic to Disordered Media:
Metal Insulator Transition Pictures

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