Image Processing Toolbox    

Compute absolute difference of two images



Z = imabsdiff(X,Y) subtracts each element in array Y from the corresponding element in array X and returns the absolute difference in the corresponding element of the output array Z. X and Y are real, nonsparse numeric arrays with the same class and size. Z has the same class and size as X and Y. If X and Y are integer arrays, elements in the output that exceed the range of the integer type are truncated.

If X and Y are double arrays, you can use the expression abs(X-Y) instead of this function.


This example calculates the absolute difference between two uint8 arrays. Note that the absolute value prevents negative values from being rounded to zero in the result, as they are with imsubtract.

Display the absolute difference between a filtered image and the original.

See also

imadd, imcomplement, imdivide, imlincomb, immultiply, imsubtract

  im2uint16 imadd