Statistics Toolbox    

Plot normal density between specification limits



p = normspec(specs,mu,sigma) plots the normal density between a lower and upper limit defined by the two elements of the vector specs, where mu and sigma are the parameters of the plotted normal distribution.

[p,h] = normspec(specs,mu,sigma) returns the probability p of a sample falling between the lower and upper limits. h is a handle to the line objects.

If specs(1) is -Inf, there is no lower limit, and similarly if specs(2) = Inf, there is no upper limit.


Suppose a cereal manufacturer produces 10 ounce boxes of corn flakes. Variability in the process of filling each box with flakes causes a 1.25 ounce standard deviation in the true weight of the cereal in each box. The average box of cereal has 11.5 ounces of flakes. What percentage of boxes will have less than 10 ounces?

See Also

capaplot, disttool, histfit, normfit, normfit, norminv, normpdf, normplot, normrnd, normstat

  normrnd normstat