Statistics Toolbox    

Inverse of the F cumulative distribution function (cdf)



X = finv(P,V1,V2) computes the inverse of the F cdf with numerator degrees of freedom V1 and denominator degrees of freedom V2 for the corresponding probabilities in P. Vector or matrix inputs for P, V1, and V2 must all be the same size. A scalar input is expanded to a constant matrix with the same dimensions as the other inputs.

The parameters in V1 and V2 must all be positive integers, and the values in P must lie on the interval [0 1].

The F inverse function is defined in terms of the F cdf as



Find a value that should exceed 95% of the samples from an F distribution with 5 degrees of freedom in the numerator and 10 degrees of freedom in the denominator.

You would observe values greater than 3.3258 only 5% of the time by chance.

See Also

fcdf, fpdf, frnd, fstat, icdf

  ff2n fpdf