Statistics Toolbox    

D-optimal augmentation of an experimental design



settings = daugment(startdes,nruns) adds nruns runs to an experimental design using the coordinate exchange D-optimal algorithm. startdes is a matrix of factor settings in the original design. The output matrix settings is the matrix of factor settings for the design.

[settings,X] = daugment(startdes,nruns) also generates the associated design matrix, X.

[settings,X] = daugment(startdes,nruns,'model') also controls the order of the regression model. The input, 'model', can be one of these:

Includes constant and linear terms (the default)
Includes constant, linear, and cross-product terms.
Includes interactions and squared terms.
Includes constant, linear and squared terms.

Alternatively model can be a matrix of term definitions as accepted by the x2fx function.

[settings, X] = daugment(...,'param1',value1,'param2',value2,...) provides more control over the design generation through a set of parameter/value pairs. Valid parameters are the following::

Either 'on' or 'off' to control display of iteration counter. The default is 'on'.
Initial design as an nruns-by-nfactors matrix. The default is a randomly selected set of points.
Maximum number of iterations. The default is 10.


We add 5 runs to a 22 factorial design to allow us to fit a quadratic model.

The result is a 32 factorial design.

See Also
cordexch, x2fx

  crosstab dcovary