Simulink Reference    

Apply a MATLAB function or expression to the input


User-Defined Functions


The MATLAB Fcn block applies the specified MATLAB function or expression to the input. The output of the function must match the output dimensions of the block or an error occurs.

Here are some sample valid expressions for this block.

Data Type Support

A MATLAB Fcn block accepts one complex- or real-valued input of type double and generates real or complex output of type double, depending on the setting of the Output signal type parameter.

Parameters and Dialog Box

MATLAB function
The function or expression. If you specify a function only, it is not necessary to include the input argument in parentheses.
Output dimensions
Dimensions of the signal output by this block. If the output dimensions are to be the same as the dimensions of the input signal, specify -1. Otherwise, enter the dimensions of the output signal, e.g., 2 for a two-element vector. In either case, the output dimensions must match the dimensions of the value returned by the function or expression in the MATLAB function field.
Output signal type
The dialog allows you to select the output signal type of the MATLAB Fcn as real, complex, or auto. A value of auto sets the block's output type to be the same as the type of the input signal.
Collapse 2-D results to 1-D
Outputs a 2-D array as a 1-D array containing the 2-D array's elements in column-major order.


Direct Feedthrough
Sample Time
Inherited from driving block
Scalar Expansion
Zero Crossing

  Math Function Matrix Concatenation