Simulink Reference    

Apply a specified expression to the input


User-Defined Functions


The Fcn block applies the specified C language style expression to its input. The expression can be made up of one or more of these components:

The rules of precedence obey the C language standards:

  1. ( )
  2. + - (unary)
  3. pow (exponentiation)
  4. !
  5. * /
  6. + -
  7. > < <= >=
  8. = !=
  9. &&
  10. ||

The expression differs from a MATLAB expression in that the expression cannot perform matrix computations. Also, this block does not support the colon operator (:).

Block input can be a scalar or vector. The output is always a scalar. For vector output, consider using the Math Function block. If a block is a vector and the function operates on input elements individually (for example, the sin function), the block operates on only the first vector element.

Data Type Support

A Fcn block accepts and outputs signals of type double.

Parameters and Dialog Box

The C language style expression applied to the input. Expression components are listed above. The expression must be mathematically well formed (i.e., matched parentheses, proper number of function arguments, etc.).


Direct Feedthrough
Sample Time
Inherited from driving block
Scalar Expansion
Zero Crossing

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