Image Processing Toolbox    

Adjust display size of an image



truesize(fig,[mrows ncols]) adjusts the display size of an image. fig
is a figure containing a single image or a single image with a colorbar.
[mrows ncols] is a 1-by-2 vector that specifies the requested screen area in pixels that the image should occupy.

truesize(fig) uses the image height and width for [mrows ncols]. This results in the display having one screen pixel for each image pixel.

If you omit the figure argument, truesize works on the current figure.


If the'TruesizeWarning' toolbox preference is 'on', truesize displays a warning if the image is too large to fit on the screen. (The entire image is still displayed, but at less than true size.) If 'TruesizeWarning' is 'off', truesize does not display the warning. Note that this preference applies even when you call truesize indirectly, such as through imshow.

See Also

imshow, iptsetpref, iptgetpref

  translate uint8