Image Processing Toolbox    

Taper the discontinuities along the image edges



J = edgetaper(I,PSF) blurs the edges of the input image, I, using the point spread function, PSF. The output image, J, is the weighted sum of the original image, I, and its blurred version. The weighting array, determined by the autocorrelation function of PSF, makes J equal to I in its central region, and equal to the blurred version of I near the edges.

The edgetaper function reduces the ringing effect in image deblurring methods that use the discrete Fourier transform, such as deconvwnr, deconvreg, and deconvlucy.

Class Support

I and PSF can be of class uint8, uint16, or double. J is of the same class as I.


See Also

deconvlucy, deconvreg, deconvwnr, otf2psf, padarray, psf2otf

  edge erode