Image Processing Toolbox    

Zooming in on a Region of an Image

The simplest way to zoom in on a region of an image is to use the zoom buttons provided on the figure window. To enable zooming from the command line, use the zoom command.When you zoom in, the figure window remains the same size, but only a portion of the image is displayed, at a higher magnification. (zoom works by changing the axis limits; it does not change the image data in the figure.)

Once zooming in is enabled, there are two ways to zoom in on an image:

  1. Single mouse click: click on a spot in the image by placing the cursor on the spot and the pressing the left mouse button. The image is magnified and the center of the new view is the spot where you clicked.
  2. Click and drag the mouse: select a region by clicking on the image, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging the mouse. This creates a dotted rectangle. When you release the mouse button, the region enclosed by the rectangle is displayed with magnification.

  Using the truesize Function Zooming In or Out with the Zoom Buttons