Function Reference    

Quick access to descriptor state-space data



[a,b,c,d,e] = dssdata(sys) extracts the descriptor matrix data from the state-space model sys. If sys is a transfer function or zero-pole-gain model, it is first converted to state space. Note that dssdata is then equivalent to ssdata because it always returns .

[a,b,c,d,e,Ts] = dssdata(sys) also returns the sample time Ts.

You can access the remaining LTI properties of sys with get or by direct referencing, for example,

See Also
dss         Specify descriptor state-space models

get         Get properties of LTI models

ssdata      Quick access to state-space data

tfdata      Quick access to transfer function data

zpkdata     Quick access to zero-pole-gain data

  dss esort