Tool and Viewer Quick Start    

Analyzing MIMO Models

If you import a MIMO system, or an LTI array containing multiple linear models, you can use special features of the right-click menu to group the response plots by input/output (I/O) pairs or select individual plots for display. For example, if you randomly generate a 3-input, 3-output MIMO system,

and open an LTI Viewer,

the default is an ungrouped set of 9 plots, one from each input to each output.


Axis Grouping

You can group this by inputs, by outputs, or both by selecting Axis Grouping and then Inputs, Outputs, or All, respectively, from the right-click menu. This feature is available from any of the plots in the viewer.


For example, if you select Inputs, the LTI Viewer reconfigures into 3 plots, one for each output.


Selecting None returns to the default configuration, where all I/O pairs are displayed.

I/O Selector

Another way to organize MIMO system information is to choose I/O Selector from the right-click menu, which opens the I/O Selector window.


This window automatically configures to the number of I/O pairs in your MIMO system. You can select:

Using these options, you can inspect individual I/O pairs, or look at particular I/O channels in detail.

  Selecting Response Types Customizing the LTI Viewer