Getting Started    

Typographical Conventions

This manual uses some or all of these conventions.

Example code
Monospace font
To assign the value 5 to A, enter
  • A = 5
Function names, syntax, filenames, directory/folder names, and user input
Monospace font
The cos function finds the cosine of each array element.
Syntax line example is
MLGetVar ML_var_name
Buttons and keys
Boldface with book title caps
Press the Enter key.
Literal strings (in syntax descriptions in reference chapters)
Monospace bold for literals
f = freqspace(n,'whole')
Italics for variables
Standard text font for functions, operators, and constants
This vector represents the polynomial p = x2 + 2x + 3.
MATLAB output
Monospace font
MATLAB responds with
  • A =
Menu and dialog box titles
Boldface with book title caps
Choose the File Options menu.
New terms and for emphasis
An array is an ordered collection of information.
Omitted input arguments
(...) ellipsis denotes all of the input/output arguments from preceding syntaxes.
[c,ia,ib] = union(...)
String variables (from a finite list)
Monospace italics
sysc = d2c(sysd,'method')

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