MATLAB Compiler    

Optimizing Performance

The MATLAB Compiler can perform various optimizations on your M-file source code that can make the performance of the generated C/C++ code much faster than the performance of the M-code in the MATLAB interpreter.
MATLAB Compiler 3.0 provides a series of optimizations that can help speed up your compiled code. This chapter describes the optimization options.
The only times you would choose not to optimize are if you are debugging your code or you want to maintain the readability of your code.
Optimization Bundles
Bundles that allow you to select the most common optimization options
Optimizing Arrays
Improving the performance of code that manipulates scalar arrays
Optimizing Loops
Improviing the performance of simple one- and two-dimensional array index expressions
Optimizing Conditionals
Reducing the MATLAB conditional operators to scalar C conditional operators
Optimizing MATLAB Arrays
Accelerates scalar math operations

  Using Pragmas Optimization Bundles