MATLAB Function Reference    

Execute a string containing a MATLAB expression



eval(expression) executes expression, a string containing any valid MATLAB expression. You can construct expression by concatenating substrings and variables inside square brackets:

eval(expression,catch_expr) executes expression and, if an error is detected, executes the catch_expr string. If expression produces an error, the error string can be obtained with the lasterr function. This syntax is useful when expression is a string that must be constructed from substrings. If this is not the case, use the try...catch control flow statement in your code.

[a1,a2,a3,...] = eval(function(b1,b2,b3,...)) executes function with arguments b1,b2,b3,..., and returns the results in the specified output variables.


Using the eval output argument list is recommended over including the output arguments in the expression string. The first syntax below avoids strict checking by the MATLAB parser and can produce untrapped errors and other unexpected behavior.


This for loop generates a sequence of 12 matrices named M1 through M12:

This example uses a function showdemo that runs a MATLAB demo selected by the user. If an error is encountered, a message is displayed that names the demo that failed.

The next example executes the size function on a 3-dimensional array, returning the array dimensions in output variables d1, d2, and d3.

See Also

assignin, catch, evalin, feval, lasterr, try

  etreeplot evalc