MATLAB Function Reference    

Obtain information on installed audio devices



d = audiodevinfo returns a structure, d with an input field and an output field. Each field is an array of structures that contains information about the system's audio input and output devices. Each array contains these fields: a string with the name of the device, a string with the version of the installed driver (DriverVersion), and the device's numeric ID.

audiodevinfo(io) returns the number of input (io=1) or output (io=0) audio devices on the system.

audiodevinfo(io,ID) returns the name of the audio device specified by its ID.

audiodevinfo(io,ID,'DriverVersion') returns a string containing the driver version of the specified audio device.

audiodevinfo(io,name) returns the device ID specified by name. You can enter a partial name, but the case must match. If no device with the specified name is found, -1 is returned.

audiodevinfo(io,rate,bits,chans) returns the device ID of the first audio device that supports the specified sample rate, number of bits, and number of channels, chans. If no matching device is found, -1 is returned.

audiodevinfo(io,ID,rate,bits,chans) returns 1 if the device, specified by its ID, supports the specified sample rate, number of bits, and number of channels, chans. If the device does not support the specified parameters, 0 is returned.

See Also

audioplayer, audiorecorder

  atanh audioplayer