Printing and Exporting Figures with MATLAB    

Printing to a File

Printed output normally goes directly to a printer. If you prefer to save a figure in a file so that it can be printed later, you can print the figure to a file.

Printing to a file is not the same operation as exporting to a graphics-format file. Exporting produces a bitmapped or vectorized image file, which must be imported into another application before it can be sent to a printer.

If you plan to append additional figures to the file later, you must use one of MATLAB's built-in PostScript drivers.

How to Print to File

To print your figure to a file, use one of the following:

If you print to file using the graphical user interface and a Windows driver (-dwin or -dwinc), the file is formatted using the printer's native driver. If you use the print command and specify a Windows driver, the file is formatted using one of its built-in PostScript drivers.

When you print a figure to file, and don't specify a printer driver, MATLAB uses the printer driver defined in printopt.m. If this default will not work with the printer you plan to use later, specify a different one. See Printer Drivers if you need instructions.

When printing to a file, you must specify a filename. Including a file extension is optional. If you do not include an extension, an appropriate extension is added to your filename based on the printer driver used.

 HPGL Drivers Using the Windows User Interface