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Source Control Interface on UNIX Platforms

If you use a source control system (SCS) to manage your files, you can check M-files and Simulink and Stateflow files into and out of the source control system from within MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow.

MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow do not perform source control functions, but only provide an interface to your own source control system. This means, for example, that you can open a file in the MATLAB Editor and modify it without checking it out. However, the file will remain read only so that you cannot accidentally overwrite the source control version of the file.

The Source Control Interface supports three popular source control systems, as well as a custom option:

You can interface to your source control system by using menus from a graphical user interface (GUI), or by using functions from the command window. There are some options you can perform using the MATLAB functions that are not available with the GUIs -- these are noted in the instructions.

This section includes the following topics:

  Using the Source Control Interface from the MATLAB Command Window Selecting and Viewing the Source Control System