External Interfaces/API Reference    

Set a field value of a structure array, given a field name and an index

C Syntax


   Pointer to a structure mxArray. Call mxIsStruct to determine if array_ptr points to a structure mxArray.

   The desired element. The first element of an mxArray has an index of 0, the second element has an index of 1, and the last element has an index of N-1, where N is the total number of elements in the structure mxArray. See mxCalcSingleSubscript for details on calculating an index.

   The name of the field whose value you are assigning. Call mxGetFieldNameByNumber or mxGetFieldNumber to determine existing field names.

   Pointer to the mxArray you are assigning.


Use mxSetField to assign a value to the specified element of the specified field. In pseudo-C terminology, mxSetField performs the assignment

If there is already a value at the given position, the value pointer you specified overwrites the old value pointer. However, mxSetField does not free the dynamic memory that the old value pointer pointed to. Consequently, you should free this old mxArray immediately before or after calling mxSetField.


is equivalent to calling


See mxcreatestructarray.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxCreateStructArray, mxCreateStructMatrix, mxGetField, mxGetFieldByNumber, mxGetFieldNameByNumber, mxGetFieldNumber, mxGetNumberOfFields, mxIsStruct, mxSetFieldByNumber

  mxSetDimensions mxSetFieldByNumber