External Interfaces/API Reference    

Create 1-by-n string mxArray initialized to the specified string

C Syntax


   The C string that is to serve as the mxArray's initial data.


A pointer to the created string mxArray if successful, and NULL otherwise. The most likely cause of failure is insufficient free heap space.


Use mxCreateString to create a string mxArray initialized to str. Many MATLAB functions (for example, strcmp and upper) require string array inputs.

Free the string mxArray when you are finished using it. To free a string mxArray, call mxDestroyArray.


See revord.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory.

For additional examples, see mxcreatestructarray.c, mxisclass.c, and mxsetallocfcns.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings, mxCreateCharArray

  mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix mxCreateStructArray