MATLAB Installation Guide for Windows    

Problems During Installation

This section provides answers to some problems commonly encountered during installation.

Unable to Start the Installer: Missing Java Class File

The installer requires the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM). When the installer starts, it checks to make sure you have the version of the JVM that it requires. If it detects that you do not have the version it needs, it prompts you to install it and exits.

Sometimes, your system may have some of the correct JVM files but not all of them. In this case, the installer starts but displays this error message.

To solve this problem, run the Microsoft JVM installer (msjavx86.exe) that is included with the MATLAB package in the \MSutils subdirectory of the top-level CD directory. If you are running the Japanese version of Microsoft Windows, run jmsjavx86.exe.

Invalid Personal License Password

During installation, you must enter your PLP. If your PLP is invalid, you cannot continue with the installation. Check that:

For information about troubleshooting License File issues, see License File.

License File Could Not Be Updated

You can receive this error message when you are using the installer to update your licenses. (This installer option is available on the More Options... dialog box.)

There are two reasons why you received this message:

Failure Overwriting an Existing Toolbox

Stop any versions of MATLAB or a toolbox that may be running before attempting to run the installation procedure.

  Troubleshooting License Manager Error Messages