Using Simulink    

Invariant Constants

Blocks either have explicitly defined sample times or inherit their sample times from blocks that feed them or are fed by them.

Simulink assigns Constant blocks a sample time of infinity, also referred to as a constant sample time. Other blocks have constant sample time if they receive their input from a Constant block and do not inherit the sample time of another block. This means that the output of these blocks does not change during the simulation unless the parameters are explicitly modified by the model user.

For example, in this model, both the Constant and Gain blocks have constant sample time.

Because Simulink supports the ability to change block parameters during a simulation, all blocks, even blocks having constant sample time, must generate their output at the model's effective sample time.

Because of this feature, all blocks compute their output at each sample time hit, or, in the case of purely continuous systems, at every simulation step. For blocks having constant sample time whose parameters do not change during a simulation, evaluating these blocks during the simulation is inefficient and slows down the simulation.

You can set the inline parameters option (see Inline parameters) to remove all blocks having constant sample times from the simulation "loop." The effect of this feature is twofold. First, parameters for these blocks cannot be changed during a simulation. Second, simulation speed is improved. The speed improvement depends on model complexity, the number of blocks with constant sample time, and the effective sampling rate of the simulation.

  Sample Time Propagation Mixed Continuous and Discrete Systems