Simulink Reference    
Interpolation (n-D) Using PreLook-Up

Perform high-performance constant or linear interpolation, mapping N input values to a sampled representation of a function in N variables via output from PreLook-Up Index Search block


Look-Up Tables


The Interpolation (n-D) Using PreLook-Up block uses the precalculated indices and interval fractions from the PreLook-Up Index Search block to perform the equivalent operation that the Look-Up Table (n-D) performs. This combination of blocks allows multiple Interpolation (n-D) blocks to feed a set of PreLook-Up Index Search blocks. In models that have many interpolation blocks, simulation performance can be greatly increased.

This block supports two interpolation methods: flat (constant) interval lookup and linear interpolation. These operations can be applied to 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, 4-D and higher dimensioned tables.

You define a set of output values as the Table data parameter. These table values must correspond to the breakpoint data sets that are in the PreLook-Up Index Search block. The block generates its output by interpolating the table values based on the (index,fraction) pairs fed into the block by each PreLook-Up Index Search block.

The block generates output based on the input values:

Data Type Support

An Interpolation (n-D) Using PreLook-Up block accepts signals of types double or single, but for any given block, the inputs must all be of the same type. The Table data parameter must be of the same type as the inputs. The output data type is set to the Table data data type.

Parameters and Dialog Box

Number of table dimensions

The number of dimensions that the Table data parameter must have. This determines the number of independent variables for the table and hence the number of inputs to the block (see descriptions for "Explicit Number of dimensions" and "Use one (vector) input port instead of N ports," below).

Table data

The table of output values. The matrix size must match the dimensions defined by the N breakpoint set parameter or by the Explicit number of dimensions parameter when the number of dimensions exceeds four. During block diagram editing, you can leave the Table data field empty, but for running the simulation, you must match the number of dimensions in the Table data parameter to the Number of table dimensions. For information about how to construct multidimensional arrays in MATLAB, see Multidimensional Arrays in MATLAB's online documentation.

Interpolation method

None (flat) or Linear.

Extrapolation method

None (clip) or Linear.

Action for out of range input

None, Warning, Error.


Direct Feedthrough
Sample Time
Inherited from driving blocks
Scalar Expansion
Zero Crossing

  Integrator Logical Operator