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Getting Help

The MathWorks provides online help and demonstrations for all products through the Help browser, help functions, and other methods.
Types of Documentation
Use the documentation suited for your needs: release notes; getting started materials; user guides; reference pages for functions, blocks, and properties; M-file help; demos; product pages; and the Online Knowledge Base.
Using the Help Browser
Find and view information about your MathWorks products using the Help browser.
Finding Information with the Help Browser
Use the Navigator pane in the Help browser for a listing of the online documentation contents, a global index, search features, and access to demonstrations.
Viewing Documentation in the Display Pane
After finding documentation, view the documentation and perform other operations using the display pane.
Preferences for the Help Browser
Use preferences to specify the location of your help files, fonts used in the Help browser, and the products whose documentation you want to include in your Help browser.
Printing Documentation

Print the current page from the Help browser, print a page or an entire book from the PDF version of the documentation, or purchase printed documentation.

Using Help Functions
Type help functionname to get M-file help, which provides a brief description of the function and its syntax in the Command Window. Other help functions are available as well.
Other Forms of Help
Use product-specific help features, download M-files, contact Technical Support, search documentation for other MathWorks products, view a list of other books, and participate in a MATLAB newsgroup.

  Saving Types of Documentation