Release 13 Release Notes

Release Notes for Release 13


There are two kinds of documents that describe what's new in Release 13:

Release Notes for Release 13

The Release Notes for Release 13 give you a quick overview of what is new for Release 13.

The Release Notes for Release 13 include the following sections:

Printing the Release Notes for Release 13

If you are reading the Release Notes for Release 13 online and would like to print them out, you can link to a PDF version.

Product-Specific Release Notes

There is a set of Release Notes for almost every MathWorks product.

The product-specific Release Notes provide detailed information about the following topics (as applicable to each product):

Access from the Help Browser

In the Help browser, the product-specific Release Notes are included in the set of documents/topics under each product in the Contents pane.

Also, if you are using the Help browser, you can use the Quick Access to Product-Specific Release Notes of these Release Notes for Release 13 to link to the Release Notes for a specific product.

Access via the Web

You can also access product-specific Release Notes via the MathWorks Web site at, under the documentation set for each product.

Macintosh Platform Release Notes

The Macintosh-specific information for this release of MATLAB® is organized in one document, called Installing and Using MATLAB on Mac OS X. This document describes

In the Help browser, you can access Installing and Using MATLAB on Mac OS X under "Installation" near the top of the Contents pane.

 Product Restructuring