Wavelet Toolbox    

Constructor for the class WPTREE



T = wptree(ORDER,DEPTH,X,WNAME,ENT_TYPE,PARAMETER) returns a complete wavelet packet tree T.

ORDER is an integer representing the order of the tree (the number of "children" of each non terminal node). ORDER must be equal to 2 or 4.

If ORDER = 2, T is a WPTREE object corresponding to a wavelet packet decomposition of the vector (signal) X, at level DEPTH with a particular wavelet WNAME.

If ORDER = 4, T is a WPTREE object corresponding to a wavelet packet decomposition of the matrix (image) X, at level DEPTH with a particular wavelet WNAME.

ENT_TYPE is a string containing the entropy type and ENT_PAR is an optional parameter used for entropy computation ( see wentropy, wpdec or wpdec2 for more information).

T = wptree(ORDER,DEPTH,X,WNAME) is equivalent to T = wptree(ORDER,DEPTH,X,WNAME,'shannon')

With T = wptree(ORDER,DEPTH,X,WNAME,ENT_TYPE,ENT_PAR,USERDATA) you may set a userdata field.

The function wptree returns a WPTREE object.

For more information on object fields, see the get function or type

Class WPTREE (Parent class: DTREE)


: DTREE parent object.
: Structure (wavelet information).
: Structure (entropy information).

The wavelet information structure, 'wavInfo', contains

: Wavelet name.
: Low Decomposition filter.
: High Decomposition filter.
: Low Reconstruction filter.
: High Reconstruction filter.

The entropy information structure, 'entInfo', contains

: Entropy name.
: Entropy parameter.

Fields from the DTREE parent object:

: All nodes information.

'allNI' is an array of size nbnode by 5, which contains

: index.
: Size of data.
: Entropy.
: Optimal entropy.

Each line is built based on the following scheme:


See Also
dtree, ntree

  wpthcoef wpviewcf