Wavelet Toolbox    

Split (decompose) wavelet packet



wpsplt is a one- or two-dimensional wavelet packet analysis function.

wpsplt updates the wavelet packet tree after the decomposition of a node.

T = wpsplt(T,N) returns the modified wavelet packet tree T corresponding to the decomposition of the node N.

For a one-dimensional decomposition,

[T,cA,cD] = wpsplt(T,N) with cA = approximation and cD = detail of node N.

For a two-dimensional decomposition,

[T,cA,cH,cV,cD] = wpsplt(T,N) with cA = approximation and cH,cV,c = horizontal, vertical and diagonal details of node N.


See Also
wavedec, wavedec2, wpdec, wpdec2, wpjoin

  wprec2 wpthcoef