Wavelet Toolbox    

Case Study: An Electrical Signal

The goal of this section is to provide a statistical description of an electrical load consumption using the wavelet decompositions as a multiscale analysis.

Two problems are addressed. They both deal with signal extraction from the load curve corrupted by noise:

  1. What information is contained in the signal, and what pieces of information are useful?
  2. Are there various kinds of noises, and can they be distinguished from one another?

The context of the study is the forecast of the electrical load. Currently, short-term forecasts are based on the data sampled over 30 minutes. After eliminating certain components linked to weather conditions, calendar effects, outliers and known external actions, a SARIMA parametric model is developed. The model delivers forecasts from 30 minutes to 2 days. The quality of the forecasts is very high at least for 90% of all days, but the method fails when working with the data sampled over 1 minute.

  Example 14: A Real Electricity Consumption Signal Data and the External Information