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Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northwestern University

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Support Roadmap

The support setup is designed to speedily route support-related email to the people who can act most-rapidly to address the specific support need.

Requests are divided into two categories: UNIX requests and Windows requests.

Which actual human being handles a request within this categorical division is somewhat dependent upon the nature of the request, and often cannot be determined in advance by the person reporting the problem.

Since problems do not necessarily fit into neat little categories, we've deliberately structured the support email address so that more people will see the message than are likely to need to, thereby making certain that the right person or persons will always see your message.

Specifically, any questions regarding centrally-managed UNIX and Windows issues should be sent to the email address specified on the EECS IT Contact Info page. Reception of your message will be acknowledged via an automated reply, which will also include a tracking token of the form "[NUECE #XXXXX]" where XXXXX is a number. When inquiring about a problem you've reported, reply with this token in the subject line. That allows our ticket-tracking software to recognize that your reply is part of the same problem and will file it in the same place as the original message.

Please do not assume that if a particular staff member has responded to your message that that person should be contacted directly for future support needs. If you do, then when support staff are sick or on vacation (or change jobs), for example, your messages will languish. If you use the support alias, someone will always respond in a timely fashion.

2145 Sheridan Road . Evanston / IL . 60208
Phone: 847-491-8140 . FAX: 847-491-4455

Copyright © 2003 Northwestern University § All rights reserved § Fri Oct 24 10:15:52 CDT 2003