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PC Backup Restore

  1. Go to Start button-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Backup

  2. On the Backup Utility window click on Restore Wizard (Advanced)

  3. Click Next on the Restore Wizard window

  4. Browse under Items to Restore to locate file(s) or directory(s) you want to restore
    Check file (s)or directory (s) you want to restore
    Click Next to continue

  5. On Completing the Restore Wizard window click on the Advanced button

  6. On the Where to Restore select to Restore files to: Alternate location

  7. Browse to the preferred alternate Restore folder and then click OK
    Click Next to continue

  8. On the How to Restore window select Leave existing files (Recommended) option and then click Next

  9. On Advanced Restore Options window check Restore security settings and Preserve existing volume mount points and the click Next

  10. On the Completing the Restore Wizard window click Finish to start the restore

  11. The Restore Progress window will open

  12. When the restore is complete click on Close to exit the restore utility
    Your restored file or directory should now be located in the folder you selected as your restore destination

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Phone: 847-491-8140 . FAX: 847-491-4455

Copyright © 2003 Northwestern University § All rights reserved § Fri Mar 19 15:29:29 CST 2004