Computing Facilities
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northwestern University

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Obtaining a UNIX Account

For all accounts, the following information is required and must be emailed to root by the faculty member responsible for the account.

Full name: Individual's full name
NU ID#: Individual's Student ID or Employee ID from their WildCard (optional for visitors)
Login Name: Same as Northwestern NetID, with the exception that visitors, faculty, staff, and post-docs may choose their own login
Northwestern NetID: Northwestern assigned Network Identifier. For undergraduate and graduate students, this will be the same as their login
Northwestern Email Address: This is the individual's email address
Account type: undergrad, grad, faculty, staff, visitor (see below for account types)
Major: Individual's major which is used to help build department mailing lists (optional)
Faculty Affiliate: Individual who is responsible for account extensions, updates, and other issuess regarding account
Expiration Date: Maximum of two years, default is one year. Exceptions are staff and faculty accounts which will have no expiration date. (Required)
Additional Login Hosts: For former CS faculty, please specify if student requires a Windows Domain account, an account on zappa, or other access. For former ECE faculty, please specify any other CFS supported machines the student should have access to. If left blank, this will generate an account with an email address and only access to the Wilkinson lab machines.
Special Requests: Any other requests
For ease of entry, here is a version that you can cut/paste into your email client:
                  Full Name:
     Northwestern ID Number:
                 Login name:
         Northwestern NetID:
 Northwestern Email Address:
               Account type:
          Faculty affiliate:
            Expiration date:
     Additional login hosts:
           Special requests:
Account types

2145 Sheridan Road . Evanston / IL . 60208
Phone: 847-491-8140 . FAX: 847-491-4455

Mon Oct 20 17:00:21 CDT 2003